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Conor O'Malley, School of Psychology, University College DublinAidan Moran, School of Psychology, University College DublinWhat did this picture sound like? Using paired audio-visual stimuli to test auditory imagery ability. Valeria Occelli, University of TrentoCharles Spence, Oxford UniversityMassimiliano Zampini, University of TrentoAudiotactile Temporal Order Judgments (TOJs) in sighted and blind individuals Keiko Omori, Department of Psychology, Nihon UniversityYukio Itsukushima, Department of Psychology, Nihon UniversityDoes haptic information on a plane surface alter the appearance of the visual illusion? Erol Ozmeral, Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory, Boston University, Boston USAVirginia Best, Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory, Boston University, Boston USABarbara Shinn-Cunningham, Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory, Boston University, Boston USASimple Visual Cues Enhance the Identification of Target Sounds in Complex Auditory Scenes
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