8th Annual Meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum
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Refereed Papers

Arnaud Falchier, Nathan Kline Institute
Anatomical networks and physiological mechanisms of multisensory integration in macaque auditory cortex

Richard Fitzpatrick, Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute
Daina Sturnieks, Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute
Rebecca St George, Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute
Daniel Wardman
Vestibular-visual interactions in balance and orientation

John J. Foxe, City College of New York
Probability-based multisensory object formation: Rethinking cortical principles of sensory integration.

Waka Fujisaki, NTT CS labs
Shin'ya Nishida, NTT CS labs
Audio-tactile, visuo-tactile, and audio-visual temporal synchrony perception

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