7th Annual Meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum
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Invited Papers

Sebastian Thrun, Stanford University
Winning the DARPA Grand Challenge

Refereed Papers

Ana Tajadura, Chalmers Room Acoustics Group, Chalmers university of Technology
Aleksander Väljamäe, Chalmers Room Acoustics Group, Chalmers university of Technology
Daniel Västfjäll, Chalmers Room Acoustics Group, Chalmers university of Technology
Affecting emotional experience with auditory-vibrotactile heartbeat false feedback

Kohske Takahashi, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University
Jun Saiki, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
Illusory spatial perception induced by the temporal discrepancy between modalities in dynamic vision-haptics integration

Kazunori Terada, Gifu University
Akinori Kumazaki, Gifu University
Akira Ito, Gifu University
Combining Vision and Touch in Object Length Perception

Wataru Teramoto, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Hiroshi Watanabe, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Hiroyuki Umemura, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
The change of auditory motion detection depending on the direction of visually induced self-motion

Thomas Thesen, Department of Neurology, New York University
Peter Hansen , University of Oxford
Rick Reale, University of Wisconsin
Ian Holliday, University of Aston
John Brugge, University of Wisconsin
Ruth Campbell, University College London
Robert Osterbauer, University of Oxford
Krish Singh , University of Aston
Matthew Howard, University of Iowa
Hiroto Kawasaki, University of Iowa
Hiroyuki Oya, University of Iowa
Gemma Calvert, University of Bath
Spatio-temporal dynamics of multisensory speech processing: An investigation with fMRI, MEG and intra-cranial EEG

Peter Thier, Department of Cognitive Neurology, Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, University of Tuebingen
Uwe Ilg, Department of Cognitive Neurology, Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, University of Tuebingen
Peter W. Dicke, Department of Cognitive Neurology, Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, University of Tuebingen
The integration of vestibular signals in parietal cortex contributing to observer-independent representations of the world

Kaisa Tiippana, Helsinki University of Technology
Riikka Möttönen
Hanna Puharinen
Mikko Sams
Does sound location influence audiovisual speech perception?

Luc Tremblay, University of Toronto
Elizabeth Corson
Darian Cheng
Marlene Luis
On-line utilization of visual and proprioceptive information during manual aiming

Sascha Tyll, Department of Neurology II, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
Martin Kanowski, Department of Neurology II, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
Hans-Jochen Heinze, Department of Neurology II, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
Toemme Noesselt, Department of Neurology II, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
Crossmodal object binding increase perceived contrast

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