Visual and tactile spatial information is updated with observer movement.
Multiple Paper Presentation
Fiona Newell
Department of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin
*Achille Pasqualotto
Department of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin *Ignace Vendrell
Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College Dublin Abstract ID Number: 12 Abstract
Previous studies have reported that as an observer moves around their world the egocentric representation of that visuospatial scene is constantly updated to compensate for changes in the encoded information. In a series of experiments, we found that spatial updating is not specific to the encoding modality but that observer movement can compensate for changes in both vision and touch. Moreover, in a cross-modal task, we found evidence that observer movement allows for updating across both modalities together. Our results suggest that observer movement updates egocentric representations of multisensory spatial information. This finding has implications for not only our understanding of multisensory spatial cognition but also for real-world scene and object recognition.
To be Presented at the Following Symposium:
Experiencing objects through vision and touch
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