I n t e r n a t i o n a l   M u l t i s e n s o r y    R e s e a r c h    F o r u m

Organizing Committee


Dr John Foxe (Chair) Nathan Kline Institute/ Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Dr Peter Grossenbacher National Institute of Mental Health
Dr Charles Spence
(European Liaison)
University of Oxford
Dr M. Alex Meredith Virginia Commonwealth University
Dr Charlie Schroeder
Nathan Kline Institute/ Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Dr John Jeka University of Maryland
Dr Gemma Calvert University of Oxford
Dr David Lewkowicz NYS Institute for Basic Research
Dr Atsushi Iriki
(Asian Liaison)
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Dr Jason Mattingley University of Melbourne
Ms. Beth Higgins (Secretary) Nathan Kline Institute



Conference Info:

Organizing Committee
Conference Program
Poster Titles


IMRF Info:
Visit the IMRF WebSite
Last Year's Conference

conference sponsor: Unilever
conference contact: John J. Foxe
website: s p r i n g f e l s .com