Pitch Interval and Perceived Spatialisation of the Sound Induced Illusory Flash

Sonia Wilkie, MARCS Auditory Laboratories, University of Western Sydney

Research on cross-modal interactions in auditory and visual perception have focused predominantly on examples where visual stimuli are used to manipulate auditory perception. In such experiments, results suggest that vision is the dominant sense.

The Sound Induced Illusory Flash exploits the capacity of the auditory system to distort visual perception, using auditory temporal rhythmic stimuli to influence visual spatialisation. In this cross-modal illusion, a single white dot presented in the periphery together with two beeps, gives rise to the percept of a dot flashing twice.

An experiment will be reported that investigates the effect of pitch interval on the illusion. We draw on concepts from auditory scene analysis and the scale and octave illusions. It is hypothesised that presentation of beeps separated by a musical octave influences perceived spatialisation of the visual stimulus. A pilot study supports this hypothesis.

A full factorial experiment, using the Sound Induced Illusory Flash paradigm with beep frequencies of 82.45 Hz versus 164.82 Hz, and a sample of 30 adult participants, will be reported. The results will be interpreted in light of theories of auditory–visual integration and implications for creative and musical performance contexts discussed.

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