8th Annual Meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum
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Refereed Papers

Sascha Tyll, Neurology II, University of Magdeburg
Viktoria Kwiatkowski, Neurology II, University of Magdeburg
Hans-Jochen Heinze , Neurology II, University of Magdeburg
Toemme Noesselt, Neurology II, University of Magdeburg
Saliency affects the width of the audiovisual integration window

Gary Bargary, Dept. of Psychology, University of Dublin Trinity College
Jason Chan, Dept. of Psychology, University of Dublin Trinity College
Fiona Newell, Dept. of Psychology, University of Dublin Trinity College
Seeing where the ears hear: visual encoding of auditory spatial sequences

Yuika Suzuki, Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
Jiro Gyoba, Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
Selective modification of tactile roughness perception in terms of auditory stimuli

Yuki Hongoh, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kobe University, Japan; JSPS Research Fellow
Shinichi Kita, Faculty of Letters, Kobe University, Japan
Separation Between Sound and Light Enhances Audio-Visual Prior Entry Effect

Erol Ozmeral, Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory, Boston University, Boston USA
Virginia Best, Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory, Boston University, Boston USA
Barbara Shinn-Cunningham, Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory, Boston University, Boston USA
Simple Visual Cues Enhance the Identification of Target Sounds in Complex Auditory Scenes

Lisa Wise, MUVES Research Project, The University of Melbourne
James Quealy, MUVES Research Project, The University of Melbourne
Simulations in aviation and medicine: Psychomotor and cognitive factors influencing use in training

Mark Yates, Department of Psychology, University of Melbourne
Michael Nicholls, Department of Psychology, University of Melbourne
Somatosensory Prior Entry

Marco Vitello, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Marc Ernst, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Sound alters tactile motion perception

Anne Caclin, INSERM U821, Lyon, France
Patrick Bouchet, INSERM U821, Lyon, France
Jacques Pernier, INSERM U821, Lyon, France
Marie-Hélène Giard, INSERM U821, Lyon, France
Sound ameliorates visual contrast threshold

Yuji Wada, Food Function Division, National Food Research Institute
Nobu Shirai , Department of Psychology, Chuo University and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Yumiko Otsuka , Department of Psychology, Chuo University and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Ippeita Dan , Food Function Division, National Food Research Institute
Kaoru Kohyama , Food Function Division, National Food Research Institute
Akira Midorikawa , Department of Psychology, Chuo University
So Kanazawa , Department of Psychology, Shukutoku University
Masami K. Yamaguchi, Department of Psychology, Chuo University
Sound enhances visual detection of illusory contour in infants

David Cottrell, Psychology, James Cook University
John Prescott, Psychology, James Cook University
Collette Purves, Psychology, James Cook University
Spatial congruency and the sound-induced flash illusion.

Michiteru Kitazaki, Research Center for Future Vehicle, Toyohashi University of Technology
Ai Hirata, Department of Knowledge-based Information Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology
Naoyuki Matsuzaki, Research Center for Future Vehicle, Toyohashi University of Technology
Spatial-contingency effect on illusory flash perception induced by sound and touch

Paola Binda, Department of Psychology, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Via Olgettina 58, Milan, Italy; Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), Via Morego 30, G
David Burr, Department of Psychology, Università Degli Studi di Firenze, Via S. Niccolo` 89 Florence, Italy; Department of Psychology, University of Western Australia, Stirling Hw., Nedlands Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Concetta Morrone, Department of Psychology, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Via Olgettina 58, Milan, Italy; Istituto Nazionale di Neuroscienze, Italy
Spatio-temporal distortions of visual perception during saccades

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