8th Annual Meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum
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Refereed Papers

Yuji Wada, Food Function Division, National Food Research Institute
Nobu Shirai , Department of Psychology, Chuo University and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Yumiko Otsuka , Department of Psychology, Chuo University and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Ippeita Dan , Food Function Division, National Food Research Institute
Kaoru Kohyama , Food Function Division, National Food Research Institute
Akira Midorikawa , Department of Psychology, Chuo University
So Kanazawa , Department of Psychology, Shukutoku University
Masami K. Yamaguchi, Department of Psychology, Chuo University
Sound enhances visual detection of illusory contour in infants

Junji Watanabe, PRESTO Japan Science & Technology Agency / NTT Communication Science Laboratories
Eisuke Kusachi
Pseudo-haptic feeling based on visual feedback of background motion

Aisling Whitaker, School of Psychology/Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College Dublin
Jason Chan, School of Psychology/Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College Dublin
Fiona Newell, School of Psychology/Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College Dublin
The role of motion in haptic and cross-modal object recognition

Sonia Wilkie, MARCS Auditory Laboratories, University of Western Sydney
Catherine Stevens, MARCS Auditory Laboratories, University of Western Sydney
Pitch Interval and Perceived Spatialisation of the Sound Induced Illusory Flash

Rebecca Winter, Psychology York University
Laurence Harris, Psychology York University
Vanessa Harrar, Psychology York University
Marta Gozdzik, Psychology York University
The perceived timing of the active and passive components of a touch

Lisa Wise, MUVES Research Project, The University of Melbourne
James Quealy, MUVES Research Project, The University of Melbourne
Simulations in aviation and medicine: Psychomotor and cognitive factors influencing use in training

David Wozny, UCLA NeuroEngineering
Aaron Seitz, Boston University Department of Psychology
Ladan Shams, UCLA Department of Psychology
Adaptation to artificial associations between low-level visual and auditory features

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