8th Annual Meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum
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Stuart Smith, University College Dublin
Multisensory mechanisms of posture control

Refereed Papers

Chiara Sambo, Cognitive Neuroscience Research Unit, Department of Psychology, City University, London
Bettina Forster, Cognitive Neuroscience Research Unit, Department of Psychology, City University, London
Tactile processing is modulated by task-irrelevant visual stimuli in peripersonal but not in extra-personal space: an ERP investigation

Nadine Sarter, University of Michigan - Industrial and Operations Engineering
Crossmodal spatial and temporal links in attention: Their performance effects in complex event-driven domains

K. Sathian, Department of Neurology, Emory University School of Medicine
Peter Flueckiger, Department of Neurology, Emory University School of Medicine
Simon Lacey, Department of Neurology, Emory University School of Medicine
Randall Stilla, Department of Neurology, Emory University School of Medicine
Is activation of the lateral occipital complex during haptic shape perception due to visual imagery?

Ben Schouten, University of Leuven, Belgium
Karl Verfaillie, University of Leuven, Belgium
Phase adjustment of rhythmic auditory and visual streams

Tatjana Seizova-Cajic, School of Psychology, University of Sydney
W L Ben Sachtler, University of New South Wales
Motion afereffect in a multimodal sensory system

Kaoru Sekiyama, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Letters, Kumamoto University
Denis Burnham, MARCS Auditory Laboratories, University of Western Sydney
Inter-language differences in auditory-visual speech perception: A developmental examination

Sascha Serwe, University of Giessen, General and Experimental Psychology
Knut Drewing, University of Giessen, General and Experimental Psychology
Julia Trommershäuser, University of Giessen, General and Experimental Psychology
Goal-directed pointing movements and perceived direction of multi-sensory cues

Nobu Shirai, Department of Psychology, Tokyo Metropolitan University / Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Takahiro Kawabe, User Science Institute, Kyushu University
Yuji Wada, Sensory and Cognitive Food Science Laboratory, National Food Research Institute
So Kanazawa, Department of Psychology, Shukutoku University
Masami Yamaguchi, Department of Psychology, Chuo University / Japan Science and Technology Agency
Kayo Miura, Department of Human Sciences, Faculty of Human-Environmental Studies, Kyushu University
Auditory temporal intervals distort infant perception of visual spatial interval

Stephanie Simon-Dack, Center for Visual Neuroscience, North Dakota State University
Malarie Deslauriers, Center for Visual Neuroscience, North Dakota State University
Tyler Kurtz, Center for Visual Neuroscience, North Dakota State University
Pytlik Roberta, Center for Visual Neuroscience, North Dakota State University
Cassandra Stratton, Center for Visual Neuroscience, North Dakota State University
Melissa Tarasenko, Center for Visual Neuroscience, North Dakota State University
Tatum Trautman, Center for Visual Neuroscience, North Dakota State University
Wolfgang Teder-Sälejärvi, Center for Visual Neuroscience, North Dakota State University
Proprioceptive cues modulate further processing of spatially congruent auditory information.

Marja Sirkkola, HAMK, University of Applied Sciences, Finland, Masters Programme in Welfare Technology, and School of Education, James Cook University, Townsville, Au
Pia Nieminen, HAMK, University of Applied Sciences, Finland, Masters Programme in Welfare Technology
Physio-acoustic chair promoting well-being

Salvador Soto-Faraco, ICREA & Parc Ciencitífic de Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona
Jordi Navarra, Dept of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford and Parc Científic de Barcelona, University of Barcelona
Whitney Weikum, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia
Athena Vouloumanos, Department of Psychology, McGill University
Núria Sebastián-Gallés, Departament de Psicología Básica & Parc Científic de Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona
Janet Werker, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia
Discriminating languages by speech reading in adults and infants

Rebecca St George, Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute
Richard Fitzpatrick, Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute
Perceptions of orientation after vestibular, visual and proprioceptive conditioning

Terrence R. Stanford, Neurobiology & Anatomy, Wake Forest Univ. Sch. of Medicine
Juan-Carlos Alvarado, Neurobiology & Anatomy, Wake Forest Univ. Sch. of Medicine
J. William Vaughan, Neurobiology & Anatomy, Wake Forest Univ. Sch. of Medicine
Barry E. Stein, Neurobiology & Anatomy, Wake Forest Univ. Sch. of Medicine
Multisensory and Unisensory Integration: Distinct Processes with Distinct Products

Matthew Streit, Department of Psychology, University of Cincinnati
Kevin Shockley, Department of Psychology, University of Cincinnati
Michael Riley, Department of Psychology, University of Cincinnati
Multi-modal Heaviness Perception and Multi-modally Specified Rotational Inertia

Clara Suied, CNRS-UPMC UMR 7593, La Salpetrière Hospital, Paris, France
Nicolas Bonneel, REVES/INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France
Isabelle Viaud-Delmon, CNRS-UPMC UMR 7593, La Salpetrière Hospital, Paris and IRCAM, Paris, France
Role of semantic vs spatial congruency in a bimodal go/no-go task

Yuika Suzuki, Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
Jiro Gyoba, Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
Selective modification of tactile roughness perception in terms of auditory stimuli

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