Crossmodal integration of vestibular cues, attentional orienting and space representation
Multiple Paper Presentation
Fabrizio Doricchi
Universita’ degli Studi “La Sapienza” and Fondazione Santa Lucia, Rome Italy
Abstract ID Number: 223 Last modified:
June 8, 2006
Presentation date: 06/19/2006 5:30 PM in Hamilton Building, McNeil Theatre
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Vestibular organs feed the central nervous system with inputs that can be crucial for effective spatial perception and orientation. We review experimental evidence clarifying how vestibular stimulation drives attentional orienting in different sensory modalities during movements of the head and the body. This evidence allows correct interpretation of improvement of spatial neglect following caloric vestibular stimulation and provides new cues on the interpretation of sensory-motor spatial compatibility effects. Finally, we provide suggestions on the relationships between crossmodal integration and representation of space.
To be Presented at the Following Symposium:
Vestibular contribution to multisensory perception and movement control.
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