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Douglas Munoz, Centre for Neuroscience Studies, Queen's UniversityAudio-visual integration subserving sensory-motor and cognitive function
Simon Lacey, Southampton Solent UniversityChristine Campbell, Southampton Solent UniversityObject representation in visual/haptic crossmodal memory Anna Fusari, Psychology, UNED, Madrid (Spain)Soledad Ballesteros, Departamento de Psicología Básica II (UNED), Madrid, SpainOlfactory perceptual priming is resistant to aging and long-lasting Luc Tremblay, University of TorontoElizabeth CorsonDarian ChengMarlene LuisOn-line utilization of visual and proprioceptive information during manual aiming Salvador Soto-Faraco, ICREA & Parc Cientific de Barcelona, Universitat de BarcelonaAgnes Alsius, Dept. Psicologia Basica & Parc Cientific de Barcelona, , Universitat de BarcelonaOrdering cross-modal events in time: When illusory and veridical perceptions coexist Douglas Munoz, Centre for Neuroscience Studies, Queen's UniversityOVERT AND COVERT ORIENTING TO COMBINED AUDIO-VISUAL STIMULI
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