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Refereed Papers
Troy Hackett, Dept. Psychology, Vanderbilt University John
, Cognitive Neuroscience & Schizophrenia Program, Nathan Kline Inst.
, Inst. Psychology, Hungarian Acad. Sci., Budapest, Hungary
, Inst. Psychology, Hungarian Acad. Sci., Budapest, Hungary
, Cognitive Neuroscience & Schizophrenia Program, Nathan Kline Inst.
Charles Schroeder, Cognitive Neuroscience & Schizophrenia Program, Nathan Kline Inst. Sources of somatic sensory input to auditory cortex in monkeys
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David Hecht, The Haptics Laboratory, Department of Behavioral Biology, School of Medicine, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Miriam Reiner, Department of Education in Science & Technology, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Bi- & Tri-Modal Enhancement Also During Active Movements
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Grit Hein, Brain Imaging Center, Cognitive Neurology Unit Oliver Doehrmann, Institute of Medical Psychology, JW Goethe University Notger G. Müller, Brain Imaging Center, Cognitive Neurology Unit Jochen Kaiser, Institute of Medical Psychology, JW Goethe University Lars Muckli, Department of Neurophysiology, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Brain Imaging Center Marcus J. Naumer, Institute of Medical Psychology, JW Goethe University, Institute of Medical Psychology Integration of semantically unrelated and semantically contingent object features reveals cortical hierarchy in human audio-visual object recognition
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Nicholas Holmes, U534, Espace et Action, Bron, Lyon Alessandro Farne, U534, Espace et Action, Bron, Lyon Patrice Revol, U534, Espace et Action, Bron, Lyon Yves Rossetti, U534, Espace et Action, Bron, Lyon The neural and multisensory bases of hand self-recognition: Preliminary investigations
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