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Refereed Papers
Julien Rouger, Cerveau et Cognition CNRS UMR 5549 Marie-Laurence Laborde, Service ORL, Hopital Purpan Sebastien Lagleyre, Cerveau et Cognition CNRS UMR 5549 Yves Trotter, Cerveau et Cognition CNRS UMR 5549 Olivier Deguine, Service ORL, Hopital Purpan Bernard Fraysse, Service ORL, Hopital Purpan Pascal Barone, Cerveau et Cognition CNRS UMR 5549 McGurk effects in deaf subjects with cochlear implants
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Vanessa Harrar, Psychology York University Rebecca Rebecca Winter, Psychology, York Univerisy Laurence Harris, Centre for Vision Research Multimodal apparent motion
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Matthias Bischoff, Bender Institute of Neuroimaging, University Giessen *Gebhard Sammer, Bender Institute of Neuroimaging, University Giessen *Carlo Raimund Blecker, Bender Institute of Neuroimaging, University Giessen *Bertram Walter, Bender Institute of Neuroimaging, University Giessen *Dieter Vaitl, Bender Institute of Neuroimaging, University Giessen Multisensory object-perception: Audio-visual binding studied with fMRI
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